====== Quotations, Checkout and Revisions ====== graph TD; N[New Sale] -- Save --> Q C[Checkout] -- Invoice Button --> I[Invoice]; Q[Quotation] -- Checkout Button --> C[Checkout]; C[Checkout] -- Delivery Button --> D[Delivery Note]; C -- Save Revision --> R[Revision] Q -- Save Revision --> R ===== What is a quotation? ===== A Quotation is the first stage in creating a sale. The `New Sale` area creates a quotation and when All sales start of as a Quotation ===== What is a revision ===== A revision is a copy of a quotation. They are useful in keeping a record of how a quotation has changed before the final invoice or delivery note is created. Revisions are created by selecting ''Save Revision'' from the save menu. ===== What is the checkout area? ===== The checkout area is used to reserved stock for a customer. It is the intermediate state between a quotation and an invoice. When a sale is 'checked out' items added or items removed will all affect the `stock on hand`.