====== Checking a Picking List ====== This function allows a user to check that an order picking has picked the correct product. ===== Selecting a pick list ===== {{ :automagic:wms:picking-check_select-picklist.png?400 | }} Click on the picking list you want to check. The list will only show completed pick lists. ===== Scan the item ===== {{ :automagic:wms:picking-check_scan-item.png?400 |}} Scan any item barcode from the pick list. ===== Check the item count ===== {{ :automagic:wms:picking-check_item-count.png?400 |}} Check the item count matches the actualy number of items picked and press ok. If the count is not correct press cancel to try another item. Repeat the [[#Scan the item]] for each item in the picklist. ===== Finished ===== {{ :automagic:wms:picking-check_finished.png?400 |}} The screen will show the picking check is complete. ===== How do I check to see if a pick list has been checked? ===== From the main menu select ''Sales, Pick lists''. Find the pick list and double click to open the pick list. From the ''+'' table menu select the ''Checked By'' column. The ''Checked By'' column shows the username of the person that checked the pick list.