====== Proof of delivery for delivery schedules. ====== This process allow a delivery driver collect a digital signature. From the ''PoD'' menu select ''Deliveries''. The list of current deliveries will be shown. {{ :automagic:ws:delivery-list.png?direct&200 |}} The delivery shows a list of drops. The first drop is complete, the second and third show the customers address and do not have a tick mark, they are still pending. {{ :automagic:ws:pod-delivery.png?direct&200 |}} To take a signature for the next delivery click the ''PoD'' button under the address Below is the procedure for collecting a signature for an invoice or delivery note. {{ :automagic:ws:pod.webp |}} Please note the following before taking the signture: - The map shows that the device has found the current location. If there is no map, no location will be recorded. - After entering the customer's notes and customer name. Press ``Ok`` and check that the horizontal line is visible for the customer to sign on. If the line is missing scroll down until the line is visible.