Table of Contents

Install on Windows

Current version (Java 21)

Right click on the link below and select “Save Link as” or “Save Target as”

Legacy MSI installer requires admin privilages, All users

Legacy Java 18 Builds

Legacy EXE installer without admin privilages, Single user

Legacy 32-bit EXE installer, Single user

Legacy MSI installer requires admin privilages, All users

Run the installer. Click next on every dialog until the installation is complete.

Double click desktop Icon, the Accio remote access software will run.

Enter the IP Address of the AutoMagic server in the dialog box and click on the Ok button.

An icon for AutoMagic will appear in the centre of the screen. Click on the icon to launch the software.

The installer will also create an Auto Start icon on the desktop. This icon will automatically launch the default profile in the Accio launcher.

Installing Media Magic's root security certificate

Importing our security certificate allow your computer to verify that the software is genuinely written and packaged by Media Magic. Windows might not allow you to install the software if the certificate is not loaded correctly.

You will need mediamagic-root.crt file from the home page of your AutoMagic Server. Download the file and store it on your desktop.

If you cannot find the root certificate please contact Media Magic to obtain a copy of the correct certificate.

Importing the certificate

Right click on the mediamagic-root.crt file and select Install Certificate from the popup menu.

Click Next at the first dialog box.

At the next screen, click on Place all certificates in the following store. Press the Browse button and select Trusted Root Certification Authorities from the list and press Ok. Click Next  Set the correct store and click next.

Click on the Finish button.

 Click Finish

The final screen will ask you to confirm the import. Verify that the thumbprint of the certificate you are about to install matches

SHA1 thumbprint

ee474de9 398aaee9 e97f7240 a37d2b79 9607bb16

Click Yes to finish the import.

 Verify the thumbprint