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Provisioning Zebra TC5x devices

ITF14, The barcodes on outer cartons do not scan.

Above is an example of an ITF14 barcode. If this style of barcodes are not scanning, you will need to enable Interleaved 2 of 5 symbols as follows:

From the application drawer open the DataWedge application.

  1. Click on the Profile0 (default)
  2. Scroll down to Barcode input and select Configure scanner settings
  3. Select Decoders
  4. Scroll down to Interleaved 2 of 5
  5. Set the Enabled check box
  6. Set the Check Digit to USS Check Digit
  7. Tick the box Report Check Digit

You can test the scanner with the following two barcodes.

The following barcode is a well formatted barcode and should scan.  This barcode should scan

The following barcode has a bad check digit and should not scan.  This barcode **should not** scan.

The barcode only scans when the keyboard is on screen.

First try:

From the application drawer open the DataWedge application.

  1. Open the 3-Dot menu and select Settings
  2. Scroll to the bottom and select Restore.

This will reset the Data Wedge application to its factory settings. If you have previously enable Interleaved 2of5 barcode you will need to enter these settings again.

If the above does not work you can try the following.

From the application drawer open the DataWedge application.

  1. Click on the Profile0 (default)
  2. Scroll down to Key stroke output and select Key event options
  3. Under Characters select the option Send Characters as Events