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Managing Reports

All the report can be accessed through Reports, More Reports from the main menu.

Creating a list of favorite reports

In the More Reports area, the Favorites tab contains a list of reports that have been marked as favorite.

To add reports the the favourites list:

  1. select the ports from the All Reports tab.
  2. click Add to Favorites
  3. the selected report will be added to the Favorite Reports Tab.
  4. click the Save button to save the current settings.

Adding reports to the reports menu

The reports menu can be used to create a curated set of report that can be accessed by staff. The reports assigned to the reports menu will appear directly in the reports menu on the main menu bar.

To add reports the the reports menu list:

  1. select the ports from the All Reports tab.
  2. click Add to Menu
  3. the selected report will be added to the Menu Reports Tab.
  4. click the Save button to save the current settings.

To make the new reports visible in the menu, AutoMagic will need to be restarted.

Permissions for the Reports Menu

Users will require the REPORTS_MENU permission to access any of the reports in the reports menu. In addition to this permission, each report has its own set of permissions. Check the report description in the more reports area to see the required by each user to run the report.